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Project Linus Knit and Crochet along
Starting March 2, 2024 you can sign up to join the knit-and-crochet-along by clicking on the link on the projectlinus.org website.
Downloadable pattern instructions will be sent to you on March 23, 2024.
After that time you can purchase the pattern instructions in our store for an additional $5.
COST: $20 donation to Project Linus for either the crocheted or knitted pattern or you can sign up for both for $40.
Please designate our chapter: Western North Carolina on your registration (before 3/23/24) as the recipient of your $20 donation.
Please join us on our Facebook page “Project Linus Knit and Crochet Along”, (not required) where you can meet other participants, get help and show pictures of your progress as we go along.
Patty Gregory